I ceased my business activities on 31 March 2024.  Many thanks you to all supporters and I look forward to 2027 if I still have the desire and strength to work.

Hello, welcome to my page.

My name is Jiří Purkyt and I am devoted to above mentioned activities for many years. I used to work as a technician till the year 2013. In the year 2013 I have decided to professionalize my leisure activities, I have improved my qualification and I began to devote to these activities for 100%. I have a place in Prague 9, where I hold group and individual exercises, massages and therapies. I’m willing to arrive at whatever place in Prague. Always since March I have been working also in Turnov, Železný Brod and surroundings.

My motivation for massages: – I see it at two levels.

  • 1) Relaxation – to make pleasure, letting myself passively stretch body and enjoy that somebody pays attention directly to us.
  • 2) Health issues (pain relief)


  • 1) Joy from movement
  • 2) Regenerative movement
  • 3) I move and therefore I am alive

Motto: except of love there is no universal solution…

And why all of this…

I go myself for massages, I do exercises and my colleagues work with me as their client in therapy, because this is my natural way (even if I am not traveling anywhere).